revjackie04 Member


  • Sorry if my stuff is problems.... are such an awesome inspiration. I am so glad to hear that you found the strength to not cheat despite all that you were going through the other day. I love your honesty and encouragement through your testimony.
  • What a great comment....I screwed up yesterday, but was determined not to kill myself over it....Did not think of the progress in recognizing it.. Thanks
  • Hi all, I am new to MFP and this group. I have read over lots of the older post and I am really excited about finding some much needed support and hopefully encouraging someone along the way. My battle for the day....days..weeks.. is exercise and water..then the eating and protein and all that. I guess over the years I…
  • The thing is...the white race CAN do it....any group etc started is assumed to be open to whites UNLESS something is said to the contrary. These young ladies are not doing anything wrong by saying Hey...we want a group of like minded, similar origin or cultural concepts people to get together and support teach other.…