I just saw your post. Started TF this past Monday. I'll look your event up on FB.
Hey, I am just finishing my first week of TF. Am really enjoying it so far. Does everyone do the workout and stretch at the same time? Do you do the stretch 10 later?
I finished my first round this weekend and going to do it again. I would like to join with you all.
This morning marked my W1 D3 of Alpha T25, today is also my W3 D1 of the 21 Day Fix. The last week of the 21 Day Fix it is suggested you double up on your workouts thus I started T25 early instead of waiting a week (plus I have wanted to get it forever). The portion cups and program outline of 21 Day Fix are great. The…
This morning marked W1 Day 3 of Alpha. I'm am really enjoying these workout videos (and a little ibuprofen for my sore muscles mid-day). Can't believe I took so long to order them. I also have enjoyed reading this group board (support and motivation). I started working out in group fitness classes January 2014 and…
Hi all, my T25 just arrived tonight. I'm going to start it in the morning. I'm on my last week of the 21 Day Fix and ready to meet this Shaun T. I really enjoy the group accountability factor. Thanks for having this group open.
Mine was just delivered. I'm looking to start it Monday. Did you decide to order it?
I'm interested in joining your online FB group. I just ordered it on Monday and expect it to be delivered this Friday. I am halfway through the 21 Day Fix. Lisa
I'm interested in this, too.