

  • The claims about detoxing and weight loss in a sauna are incorrect. No sauna, infrared or traditional, does these things. Saunas DO increase your circulation, which is beneficial (as long as you don't have any underlying health conditions). They can help with the appearance of your skin and hair, they can also help ease…
  • Whether or not saunas "work" depends on what your expectations are. If you're planning on using a sauna or weight loss for detoxification then the answer would be no. The only "weight" you'll lose in a sauna is water weight. This will come back as soon as your rehydrate yourself. Failure to rehydrate can lead to dangerous,…
  • Unfortunately they don't do much in the way of removing toxins. The only "detoxification" you'll do in a sauna is that your sweat will push any dirt or debris out of your pores that has settled there. The plus side of this in your situation, though, is that the act of sweating could help push out some of the stuff in your…
  • Saunas are great for your circulatory system, skin, respiratory system, and ability to relax, so yes! You should definitely take the time to have a sauna bath whenever possible. As people have already pointed out, saunas do nothing for weight loss, or detoxification, though the other health benefits listed above are very…
  • We've been selling saunas for 30 years. Unfortunately there is no weight loss in a sauna, at least not fat weight loss. When you sweat you can lose water weight, so if you're bloated or retaining water, this can help. That's it, though. As far as detoxification goes, there's not much of that either. If you have dirt or…
  • Sycoholic has the right idea. Increased circulation, elevated internal temperature and "cleaning" of the pores are all good benefits of a steam room and sauna. Just to clarify, though they have the same types of benefits, saunas and steam rooms are not the same enclosure. Too many people use the terms interchangeably. A…