andFrame Member


  • my LO is almost 3mos. I gained 23lbs during pregnancy, I'm 13lbs down from my birth weight & have been hovering here since the first weeks. ~25lbs left to lose to reach my current goal weight. I have read that mos 4-6 are when moms notice weight loss from BFing- it just seems like it's going to be impossible considering I…
  • Hi, wanted to introduce myself. I follow a vegan diet, have been doing it for years for the health benefits. I still wear leather. My husband also follows a vegan diet, for Heath benefits & he's a marathon runner. I'm curious if you could let me in on the science that you've referred.
  • That's a great idea to help your transition! A blog called olives for dinner has a comprehensive ingredient list on their site for stocking a solid pantry. I suggest: Nutritional Yeast (has a cheddar vibe, great on everything! check the bulk section @ natural grocers-- get only what you need & you'll save $$) Beans /…