You deserve every bit of the great kudos you're getting here. What I love most about your story is that you got active, you're loving it, and that your commitment has clearly influenced your loved ones for the better. Congrats!
I think you need to live with it, that said I have noticed diet plays a huge factor in how much I gain each month. If I stay away from salty foods it makes a big difference for me. As does dairy.
You can't hide dieting at these events I find. There's always someone who notices your portion size or that you don't partake in everything. That said, here's what I do to balance these occasions: - exercise that day to earn some calories - eat light, but I always eat a healthy veggie soup/dish right before I go so I don't…
Research shows the slower you lose, the more likely you will keep it off. I'd start at 1.5, then go down to 1 pound a week once you have some early success.
Edmonton here. Feel free to add me.