jackie_ferguson Member


  • i keep myself occupied with my hobby.i have also made my partner lock up the chocolate etc in a safe as i dont want to deprive him lol.i think its best to allow yourself a little tho as completely depriving yourself makes it even harder.
  • i gained weight when i gave up smoking and got comfy in a relationship.my partner is a fussy eater and doesn't like vegetables or salads so i found myself eating more junk food and cuddling on the couch instead of going for my usual long walks.i think my main problem is trying to break the habits i've now developed.i do…
  • hi i have the same problem im currently a 32g.i think you do have to take them into consideration.if you want to find out how much they weigh take a basin of water thats filled to the brim and weigh it.dip your boobs in and weigh it again.the difference in reading tells how much they weigh and then you can add that to your…
  • no particular song but i like to work out to nine inch nails