bbwphoto1976 Member


  • Yes... being young plays a part of the skin coming back to "normal". Also weight training and drinking water also helps in more ways than one. It has been a month since you posted... any updates?
  • I am 100% lesbian 100% woman. I'm a very soft femme... not a lipstick lesbian. I don't have problem with this label since this is who I am. :-)
  • I am also losing 100+ well really even 200. I am a lesbian but always willing to support women going thru the same thing. SW 385 CW 336 Goal!! Yeah its a big goal of 185. I'm 37 in Chicago. Hope you all had an awesome weekend and didn't have too many chocolate bunny ears. I didn't even have them in my sight to bite off :-)
  • Hello. Yeah there isn't much happening on here... which is sad BUT we can change that. I didn't get to see the whole moon phase, only the last few hours before the sun came up. Since I was already awake and at work to see it. :-) What I did see... was a pretty big moon. I have a question/topic..... kinda related to…
  • I am single as in relationship... still waiting for courts to undo civil union. Now exwife has gastic by-pass surgery Jan 2012... and went crazy... wanting to be single and cheat... I guess loss over 200 pounds in a short amount of time... some people can't handle it. ANYWAYS... Now I get to work on me... date myself LOL