oshika789 Member


  • It's not only about the number of calories, it's about the nutritional value of those calories. I could eat my total days worth of calories in a single fast food meal and be hungry a few hours later... or I can have oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, a veggie loaded salad with grilled chicken and low cal dressing for lunch,…
  • Always wanted to be an oatmeal eater, but it's never been my thing. I did discover that Rachel Ray has oatmeal in various flavors, and I find the Berry Cherry flavor appeals to me. Haven't tried the others (there's a Strawberry Orange Banana that sounds kind of yummy)... but I've been eating a packet of that, then if I get…
  • Just tried this tonight for the first time. Wow. I am so completely out of shape! I barely made it through level 1, but I did like the slightly different setup. I have several of her dvd's, and although I liked them and they are a great workout, I would tend to get bored with the 3-2-1 setup, mostly with repeating the…
  • Weight is obviously a very sensitive subject, and if your sister is morbidly obese my heart breaks for her. I myself want to lose the 30 pounds that I've gained since high school, and even that is embarrassing to me, and makes me feel bad about myself sometimes. If your sister is morbidly obese then I'd imagine she is…