
  • Been on keto since thanksgiving. The husband and I have not gotten the flu shot and have not gotten the flu or any real major sickness even though I work at the school so I come in contact with viruses constantly. This year the flu has ran rampant through our school system but I am going strong.
  • I try to eat some form of veg with each meal except for breakfast not for any particular reason though. I second the broccoli. Broccoli is super healthy and so I see it as a must at least once a week. I also eat a lot of cauliflower, spinach, lettuce, collard greens, and a variety of squashes.
  • 1. My husband and I are both on LCHF even though he is just maintaining now. We are working on starting a family so I have been doing research on the best foods for babies and when they should be introduced. I have not read anything about not being able to feed babies meat until their 2. Actually I have read that a baby's…