

  • Cola. I have to be all or nothing about it or the habit creeps back in. I gave up for six months or so last year and got right back on it after one soda on a date. So none for me. I'll have sprite if I have to, but mainly water or juice now. I don't feel any better as such but the process of coming off it makes me realise…
  • Add me too please! I was diagnosed at 19 and apart from a brief time on Metformin around then I've been un-medicated. My periods came back when I lost 50lbs and although I've gained about 28lbs back my cycle has thankfully stayed regular. I have excessive facial hair (a beard and moustache most guys would envy!), hair loss…
  • Your hair looks great in both pictures! I have the same issue and spend a lot more time than I probably should brushing my hair into styles where you can't see the gaps. Everyone jokes about how my hair gets everywhere in the house, car, workplace etc. Unfortunately my current doctor has no interest in PCOS so I've had no…
  • Me too! I was diagnosed about 11 years ago and have been mostly unmedicated. For me the excess facial hair (and unfair hair loss on my head!) are the worst. At my highest I was 280lbs+ and if I'm following the Insulin Resistance diet currently. It's working pretty well so far!
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