designtu Member


  • I am not an expert at all but have you tried increasing your calories a bit? I had read that if you limit your calories too much, you can actually slow your metabolism down and struggle that much more with your diet. I added 200 calories a day and started losing more weight, but I'm a pretty big guy so perhaps trying an…
  • I've been curious about that too. I was told to allow a couple hours after your workout for your body to cool down to go to bed. I was also told it wasn't good for the heart to work out and then go to bed. Too drastic of a change. They were not doctors but seemed to make since. Morning work outs seem to start the day off…
  • I am not a doctor but if you’re getting dizzy you need to slow down. You need to maintain a comfortable pace that is right for you. If you’re not meeting your goals on here than maybe your expectation is too high. Dizziness could be a drop in blood pressure and could be a dangerous situation. Please be careful..