

  • Good luck! Remember, you can do it! For this first twenty one days, anything with less than ten processed grams of sugar, you can have. If you want to stick with us for the next twenty one days after this one ends, then we give up all processed sugar. Save for fruit, of course.
  • Yeah, man, I feel you. Sugar is everywhere. I prefer to ignore the sugar content of fruits because you know that sugar isn't gonna hurt you. Highest sugar intake for today: 2 grams (lays potato chips hehe...) Yeah. Beware of naked juices! They should not have that much sugar if it's only fruits!
  • Hey, glad to see so many people! I had a discussion with the other person that I wanted to start this with and we decided 1 October to 21 October was the better idea. Remember to post/make your diary public by the end of today! You can do it!
  • Whenever my period starts, I don't weigh myself until at least three days after. Your body is meant to bloat, it's just what happens, so I try not to stress over it too much.