

  • Hi my name is Armando, I am currently at 285lbs, my highest has been 311, I'm 5' 10" and want to lose 100 lbs in 12.5 months, Im doing p90x for 3 months also started 3 weeks ago is tough but I'm dedicated, also following the men's abs Diet since is simpler then the p90x diet, hopefully will see results
  • To be honest I'm a 53 year old male 280 lbs at 5'10" my biggest challenge isnt the workouts ,pushups modified pullups(use that chair) and dumbbells(25-40lbs) are not the issue, my biggest problem is the diet I just dont like the meal plans and find myself drifting to my old eating habits, i'm repeating p90x starting today…
  • new to the forum but not the problem, I was doing great early last year tried the p90x programs , followed a portion control diet , lost 53 lbs after 6 months looked great in the summer, then in october was layed off, fell into depression, stopped exercising and fell off wagon , snacking on cheddar cheese and crackers at…
  • try p90x plus which adds new routines to the p90x program or the p90x one-on-one vol 3 discs these are great to add new routines, in the fall of 2011 , beach body and tony horton are releasing p90x MC2 the sequel to p90x looking forward to that one
  • hello everyone I completed two rounds of p90x last year the classic and the lean lost app 50 lbs , but was layed off from work and fell into a bad depression over the holidays gained 20 lbs back , so now , as a matter of fact today(01-03-2011) re-starting p90x program for 1st round and started the portion control meal…
  • sounds like a plan, Im starting the p90x classic plan for 90 days and also i'am incorporating a lo fat portion control diet plan