

  • my daily motivation is to keep my calories low throughout the day so at the end of the day I'm low enough under my goal to have a treat. My inital motivation to start was getting on the scale and realizing that I was the heaviest I'd ever been. Now that I've lost a few pounds I am motivated by the fact that my clothes are…
  • I've only been doing this since the start of the year, but I've had a couple of off weekends. I was traveling, on vacation with family, not a great environment to keep on track. When I got back I got on the scale to see the damage I had done and then said, ok it's time to get back to work. If you are really worried about…
  • When I eat out it is a lot harder. What I try and do is look up restaurant nutritional info if I can. I order soup, small plates, and try to never eat fries.
  • Net calories is calories consumed minus calories burned exercising.