Brentm77 Member


  • "Getting back on is the hard part, usually takes me a while but I need to be in the correct mindset to do it. On it at the moment as off to Italy end of May and hoping to have flicked a very well hidden moderation switch by then. Going well so far but time will tell................" One piece of unsolicited advice. What…
  • If you have not done so, I would look into intermittent fasting. It can be a good option for allowing you to eat more at night and keep your calories in control. Night is my favorite time to eat.
  • I have done well recently in the 50-75 net carbs range. I too feel better at this range and the weight loss seems better at this level than lower levels. I try to make the carbs of higher worth when eating this way by avoiding highly processed foods. For example, I have found the steel-cut oats are very satiating for only…
  • Also, I don't think your post disproves that some fat people are healthier than some skinny people. I would think that body fat was an indicator, but certainly not decisive. Of course, much of it depends on how we define "health."
  • Wabmester, it is interesting that you mention butt and thighs, but not the belly. From my recollection of various studies, it seemed that the belly was a high-risk area. I had never heard of but and thighs being a problem - which also doesn't seem to correlate to the orgran risk you mention, since most of our…
  • ". . . just because someone is fat doesn't mean they are strictly unhealthy." You make a good point. In some cases, moderate body fat is healthier than low body fat. I ran a half marathon (at about 10 min. per mile pace) last year, while being about 30 pounds overweight. My blood work looked great despite the added weight.…
  • The photo's in the video are mostly useless. I suspect the the "lean" vegans and low-fat individuals were naturally "lean," while the paleo/low carbers were naturally fat people who resulted to low carb and paleo after unsuccessfully trying low-fat for decades. Their "fat" state may actually be much leaner than they would…
  • I have lost 45 pounds since February with a combination of fasting and low-carb diet. I actually fast 5-6 days a week. This means that on the fasting days, I only eat dinner and sometimes a light snack before bed. It sounds terrible, but for me it is so much easier than the six small meals advice. Instead of being hungry…
  • "That is why I posted the link to An Insulin Index of Foods by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" True, but I was too busy to read it. You have raised my interest, and I will be sure to look into it.
  • Now we are getting somewhere. The problem is that your replies, attacking my reading comprehension, left me guessing at what you are referring to. Why not just say what you mean? Until your last post, your writing capabilities were lacking. That is not a personal attack, just a fact. Now I understand what you are arguing,…
  • "Another reading comprehension fail, you're not very good at this, are you?" Whatever. I think it is clear to just about anyone that it is the reverse. I was not providing a direct quote, so it would be impossible for me to provide one now. But the quotes I provided are clear enough. I have not made personal attacks, and…
  • Here is one example along those lines: Question posted: And why are you even here commenting if you don't agree with him?? Answer posted: So other people don't fall for his crap?? It is implied (or expressly stated) all throughout this thread that anyone that believes Taube’s theory is falling for crap. That is a…
  • "Another reading comprehension fail" I still don't understand your use of this phrase. If you are trying to say that I don't comprehend what you are reading, have you considered that maybe it is a writing clearly problem on your end? As for the issue raised by others, the protein spikes insulin, that is an interesting…
  • Acg67 - What are you talking about? Your comments are unresponsive and/or unclear. What is the logic behind what? Behind Taubes book? If that is what you mean, do you really want me to summarize it? You claim to had read both of his books. But I will indulge you. To put it simply, too many carbs spike a person's insulin.…
  • "He also uses cherry picked science and fantasy to back up his claims" I have to admit, that was funny. But you are missing the bigger point. Although I don't think it is true, it doesn't really matter if he used cherry picked science, because it works for so many of us when low-calorie/low-fat didn't. It also makes sense…
  • Mmapags - it sounds like we probably agree about more than we disagree. To give you some perspective as to why we Tabues fans are such hardcore fans - people like me struggled for so many years. We couldn't understand why we were such failures in the area of weight, when we were successful in so many areas of our lives…
  • "Or so the lunatic fringe has always believed/" That is a convincing argument; just call the people you disagree with lunatics. As we all know, the consensus is always right. For example, they were right when they pushed to put "vegetable oil" in everything during the 80's and 90's. I remember those good old years when mom…
  • "they never went through the peer review process." His books aren't studies. Studies go through peer review. Not books. Furthermore, peer review wouldn't help. After all, he is trying to debunk what is wildly believed by the medical/nutrition community (i.e., the view that the only thing that matters is calories in vs.…
  • To call it hogwash is ignorant. Hypnosis has been around for a long time and it really does work within limits. I suggest getting a book from your library on the subject, so that you understand it before you spend the money. It isn't mystical. It isn't like what you see in the cartoons. You can't be hypnotized to do…