mticktin Member


  • I bought one off the shelf at Best Buy on Monday and have tested it out for two nights sleep tracking and one full day of activity so far. I kept the tracker in my pocket all day next to my iPhone 5S (which I've been using as a tracker with the Fitbit app) and compared metrics after both planned walks and just random…
  • I used to take a multivitamin daily until I read research suggesting that supplemental selenium and/or vitamin E may be tied to an increased risk of prostate cancer.…
  • In addition to the Basis, which I mentioned previously, you may want to consider checking out the PulseOn. It's only available via preorder at the moment, but both devices monitor heart rate through an optical sensor. In my experience, the optical sensor method for heart rate monitoring can be very effective. I use a Mio…
  • The Basis band ( is designed for what you've mentioned. It is essentially a fitness tracker similar to a Fitbit Flex or Jawbone UP, and as such is meant to be worn 24 hours a day and provide metrics such as steps and calories as well as sleep analysis; however, this device includes a built-in HRM…