cjgirlie2005 Member


  • Thanks u too
  • I really appreciate the input. I'm going to work on it to keep myself where I want to be. Thank you
  • Do u think the 40, 30 and 30 macros are a good place to start
  • U make a great point. I never really started having trouble with my weight til I started focusing on it a lot. I'm gonna try breaking down my food a little bit closer when I cook and eat and try to keep in check that I'm not just overlooking what calories I'm taking in.
  • So basically u suggest just watching the intake closer so as not to go over the limit? And not to worry about the carbs as long as the moderation is there. I believe that is an adjust ment I can make and keep.
  • I usually shoot for a meal setup of about 40 carbs, 30 and 30 protein and fat for macros. But I often fall short of the protein or fats.
  • I have been reAlly good over the years about being able to maintain my weight within 10 lbs or so over the past 10 years minus kids. I just have been struggling to lose this time. Lower carbs has worked in the past, I guess that why it keeps getting in my head.
  • I've been told by a trainer/nutritionest I need to consume fewer bc I have them in every meal
  • What you guys say makes since. How do u get rid of the carbs though? I ha r such a difficult time getting rid of them at my meals. We never have excess money and they are expensive. We get whole grains when we can though
  • I also have to remember that not all sugar is created equal. This app can't read the difference between natural sugar and refined. If all yours is from natural resources then don't worry so much about it. Just don't eat 3 apples a day or much more in excess.
  • A peach tranquility tea latte with coconut milk. I dont get sugar added so all the fat is in the coconut milk. And let me tell u, you will not miss the sugar at all. A regular Grande coconut latte without sugar is 190 calories. I would imagine it being comparable to that calory wise.
  • If u feel the need to stress eat, grab something like celary or carrots when the gym and Waters just won't do.
  • I'm 30 with pcos and have to consistently watch what I eat otherwise i am in the predicament I M in now of wanting to lose about 25lbs and to be up. I gained 10lbs since August bc I don't always have the time for myself. U would love to be in a group that helps motivate and provides support and encouragement
  • This is going to sound weird but the thing that helped me in open water is closing my eyes while looking down and breathing every 3 seconds. I look when my head comes out of the water and not under, since all u seem so see is darkness anyways. It kept my mind off of the fish or abyss down below.