DramaKellee Member


  • You LOOK so amazing!!! I love how much younger and happier you and your hubby look in the after pictures!! And you are so right in that we need to give all Glory to God for providing us with strength to do this. Thanks for your story.
  • Married with 2 kids spaced 11 years apart. Daughter is 20 -- son is 9. So it is like I have 2 only children and my son has two Moms. Now these are just our "bio kids." haha -- I am married to a high school football / soccer coach and I teach high school drama. We also sponsor the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at our…
  • I have seen that ziploc baggie trick on pinterest -- I used to have a GREAT casserole club and that always helped so much but it was all coach's wives and we are all now in different places -- I LOVE my crock pot
  • You are so right!! I am 43 but teach high school which keeps me young at heart! People never believe that I have been teaching 21 years. LOL Sending you a friend request. Would love for us to motivate each other!