sapphire03 Member


  • That is so fantastic!!!! I get rid of my clothes as I shrink out of them. This way I know I can't gain weight back because I would literally have nothing to wear. WAY TO GO:bigsmile:
  • I hope your meeting went well today. When I was having issues with the teacher not taking care of things that needed to be done. I called together a meeting. I contacted the school counselor. The counselor then contacted the teacher involved and the principle and we had our meeting. I was all well after that. Hope it gets…
  • Thank You-I know I am having a hard time keeping my fat grams down and my calories up to what I need. It will come to me. I just need to go to the market to get some new foods.
  • Hi everyone. I am so excited to be here. My husbands cousin and I are going to use this website to drop some pounds. After having my third son 7 months ago at the age of 32, I would still like to drop another 15 pounds before we try on having another baby. If anyone has any advice on losing the weight and keeping…