This is kind of what I was thinking. . Or maybe try to add some extra exercise in
I couldn't figure out how to post the pic!! :(
Feel free to add me :smile:
Also will send a friend request!
I make a bit more than minimum wage as well, but I have bills out the wazzu! Awesome!!
I only get pizza from two places and they don't sell it by the slice. If I am gonna eat a ton of extra calories from junk food I better enjoy it.
See I work from 11am Monday morning until Tuesday morning at 11:30am so its hard to go that 11:30 hrs without eating
I plan on cutting back in a couple months but right now I am in way over my head with money going out. I got into a bit of trouble with cash advances and right now I am spending 300+ a month on interest on them. So once I can get out of that circle of misery I will be able to quit one job. Maybe both depending on how…
Thanks for the ideas :) Yea haha. I also feel like once I start losing weight I won't be so exhausted on my days off but right now its rough. And cooking itself is very easy but its all the time spent shopping, and preparing, and cleaning up that is rough. On top of all my work hours I also have drive time, time I need to…
See I really do alright snack wise. My favorite snacks are either carrots and peach greek yogurt, cold applesauce, or pretzels and ice water lol. And I also eat a small variety of other fruits and stuff for snacks. It was just meals I was concerned about. I felt that snacking on things, even healthy things, wouldn't give…
30 mins is realistically hard for me. I work for 24 hours in a row (literally) 2-3 times a week. I have two short recovery days (I only work 3 hours on these days but its right after my 24 hr shifts and I am dead afterwards). I could hypothetically cook on these days but I am WORN OUT. And every other day I work a 8 hour…
It sounds silly after all the junk and sodium filled foods I eat, but I do worry about the sodium content in all the canned foods... Veggie wise I would rather eat just raw..
A lot of us need to lose weight in order to really even begin to worry about "fitness". I personally can't run to save my life and I feel a big part of that is because I am carrying almost 100lbs more than my body is MEANT to carry. And I am working 70+ hours a week for a few more months so right now my calorie…
I am really bad at moderation that's the problem. And living alone makes moderation hard because if I buy a pizza I cannot just have one slice and throw the rest of it away..
I really want to try this too. Haha but I think my fast days would be better on days I am working... I can't imagine not eating while at home all day