

  • This is so true. I actually had a discussion with a friend who joined MFP with me and we are attacking the health issues a little differently, but with the same goal of changing our lives, and not contuinuing the roller coaster. We talked about weighing ourselves, and I explained my justification for weighing daily (even…
  • My friend changed it to nothing tastes as good as HEALTHY feels, and I agree with that version. After just 2-3 weeks of eating right and running I feel like a new woman. When you see the results on the scale, notice your energy not bottom out at the end of the day and feel the sense of well-being rather than always feeling…
  • My salvation this first two weeks has been preparation. I love MFP for that, it's so easy to see how much some things "cost" you against your calorie count and it becomes important enough to actually throw some carrots in a bag so I have something crunchy while others are munching chips, or to make a bowl of oatmeal to…
  • This is day 5 for me, and I love the tools offered here! I have always felt like I was "eating right" but this takes out all the guesswork and now I know for sure where I stand throughout the day. Today is donut day at work...pass! :) When you know how many calories you are ACTUALLY consuming, it makes the past weight gain…