

  • Macaroni Grill chicken parmesan! OMG I had not eaten one of those work days where all hell breaks loose, and I thought myself lucky because the next meeting was catered by a vendor. I ate two pieces of that chicken and the next day checked out at MFP. suffice to say I will never eat at Macaroni Grill again in my…
  • Hello there, I have a sedentary job also, and I just finished post grad school (what a ride!) while working full time. Although I have 6 marathons in my history I have not ran since 2006 and this has led to 50 extra pounds (yikes). So the goal is to loose what I found and get back to marathon running. My immediate goal is…
  • what is HCG? we have a hormone in our bodies called hCG (pregnancy hormone). I am curious to know what you are referring to.
  • agree with the others - I was using the Wii for a while and the weight difference ran between 2-4 pounds depending on the time of day I weighted in. I also have a friend who joined a boot camp and worked her buns off along with strict adherence to dietary changes, and for the first two weeks she actually gained weight. By…