

  • Thanks for the advice. I have never heard of the Ketosis before. Is that always common when losing alot of weight? When you put the extra powder in the Coco, how much protein did that add to it? Where can you buy it at? I guess everyone just has to play trial and error for their shakes. Now with my surgery I am only…
  • Thanks Girls for your comments. I wish I livd close enough to my hospital to attend the meeting groups, but I am almost 2 1/2 hours away. I will keep their phone number handy though and call them with any questions I may have. This website and Gastric Sleeve Talk has helped alot, and I have found alof of people like…
  • Thanks for everyone for offering support, I am going to need it. I will definitely will be asking for pointers along the way.
  • Can you give me like a detail of things you could eat for the first weeks with the liquid, and then some details when you were in the different phases. Also, Any tips of things I need to buy before I have the surgery to have it waiting on me. I am a planner, but I am so scared that I won't be prepared enough for it.