kissedlin Member


  • Hello casscrossing I go on Thursday to have mine out. I'd love to hear your update too? Hopefully I will notice a difference quickly
  • I had the implant 16.5.2013 I have since suffered depression...... Could be lifestyle related rather then implant I have gained the stone that I had just lost. I now can't get rid of I. Even sticking to slimming world. Not drinking. Treat night once a week! I can not shift weight. I do a minimum of 2 hours exercise a day.…
  • Can anyone help me. 18 months after my implant. It took 6 months of a nasty cow to settle. A year in and I was on anti depressants.....due to life change. I have a few months no periods and 3.5 weeks periods. I also have banged on 1 stone. Which through months of trying (never struggled before) I can't loose. I'm So fed…