

  • hmmm. did not know you had this. what med are you taking. I take Lyrica for my back pain issues. it does help alot with allover body pain, and I know it is mainly used for diabetic neuropathy. i take a lot of it, or used to- 400mg a day which is almost above the max. you might want to ask about it.
  • I definitely agree with all of the above as far as spreading food out. Be consistent throughout the day, eating at least 6 times a day, about the same each time. My goal is 1600 cal/day, so I try to have 3- 400 calorie meals, plus at least 2- 200 calorie snacks. I eat an evening snack to take meds. too. I have hardly eaten…
  • really? i see a 3.5, under walking. I agree, when doing all different speeds, I just keep track of the time, and distance (if you are on a treadmill) then divide it.