kd1575a Member


  • I think the reason it might have been so expensive is your over-enthusiasm. :) I'm sure that the higher grocery bill won't become a trend. Especially if you were reducing your meat purchases as you mentioned, you might have just swung too far in the other direction to compensate. Meal plan, learn how long everything lasts,…
  • i'd like to join! just found out i am going to the caribbean over the holidays and need to shape up!
  • You can pack a lot of vegetables into an omelet! I also made a lot of stir fry and vegetable/bean soups in college, using mostly frozen veggies because there wasn't a ton of room in the kitchen to chop by hand. Add a side salad to anything you're eating or have a side of baby carrots with a low carb sandwich. Roasted…
  • I rotate about 5 different ones. The only one not mentioned here yet is Trader Joe's Chili Pepper Sauce. It's so smoky and full
  • Since I frequently change soup sizes depending on how hungry I am, and if it's for lunch or dinner, I simply 1) weigh the pot/pan I'll be using 2) place the soup, pot and all, on the scale once it's made and 3) subtract 1 from 2. I do all this in grams. I frequently get a crazy high number, and I simply put that as the…
  • Sugar is not poison and Breyers vanilla ice cream has literally 5 ingredients in it, all of which are recognizable. Please ask yourself if youre eating healthy for you or for your boyfriend. What you described should not cause a "fit," especially in the context of someone teetering on underweight.
  • The black and white way in which you see food is not helping you to gain weight. If you really want to eat healthfully, everyone here has given you great advice that you've ignored-nuts and dairy! Rethink the way you think. See things without your preconceived notions of "health" and eat more types of food, in moderation.…
  • Yes, I'd like to join! I was injured for about two weeks and will no longer be taking my body's strength for granted!
  • I'd like to join! Will there be a spreadsheet for tracking progress? May Starting Weight: 140 May Goal Weight: 135
  • I'd like to join, please!
  • Looking to lose 11-16 more lbs, depending on how I look and feel. I'm aiming for 135-140 lbs, but can and will reevaluate as necessary. Would definitely love support and I really like looking at people's diaries as well--not for judging, but for ideas/inspiration! This is my second stint with MFP and I feel like it's much…
  • I would like to be added as well! I joined last January and lost 18 lbs by May. I fell off the wagon at that point because I started a new job and I've gained 7 lbs back. Hoping to lose a total of 15-18 more lbs to get to a weight that's comfortable for me and MAINTAIN. When I stopped logging last May, I didn't think about…
  • Sounds awesome! Do you have any links to your falafel and tzatziki? I used to love getting falafel, but have missed it since trying to reduce the eating out.
  • I also had/have this. Though I'm not in the middle of a 'flare' right now, some days it just plain hurts to walk! What's really worked for me are stretches (I roll my foot on a canned good and flex and massage my calves as frequently as possible), icing, and SHOES. I have inserts that I put in all my shoes (I use…
  • I would love to join as well! I just graduated college in December and it's time to fix all the bad habits! SW: 178 (last year's high) CW: 163 GW: 135-140? Not too sure--it'll be based on how I look and feel
  • Started it yesterday. I'm in SO much pain today. I knew I was out of shape....but wow! I'm determined to finish it!
  • 22. Looking to finally get on the right track! Just graduated college in December and looking to fix my bad college eating habits. I would love some supporters :)