23:48!! You killed it! I have been trying since May to duplicate my race time in the 5 k ( which was a turtle compared to you 27:53) and only yesterday came within 30 seconds of it. You're a natural, keep going!! I would never be taking those medals off either!
I'm on Week 3 and I am still undecided if it's hooey or not. I plugged the meals into MFP and one day I ate 900 cal and if I had done the cardio I was supposed t do it would have been 500 cal! Then I plugged in a Phase 3 day and ate 1700 calories. WTF? In the first week I lost 8, then I lost nothing the second week and the…
You know, I think overweight is the new normal. I think our body image of society is a little weird right now and a healthy body weight person is standing out a little bit more. You look, above all, healthy. And lovely, so forget about it.
You just won't lose. No sweat. Tomorrow is a new day. I always gave myself a 'relaxed day" where I didn't worry too much and I still lost a lb a week. It helped me stick with it. You'll be fine just don't pitch the whole thing because of one bad day.
Amazing job! Really impressive and shows the power we have over our own health. You are very motivating!
I'm with you on that one!
I'm 5' 101/2'', close enough??This is my third trip back here too. But it's not so bad because I'm a rock star at maintaining. So the first go I lost 10lbs, then the next 5lbs and here I am again for the last maybe 10? I'm thinking my target is going to be 155lbs. Like you, it's a place I've been before and I liked it. The…
Avett Brothers,new album, all of it, every waking moment.
Two Ryvita crackers- huge and crunchy with either 2 Laughing Cow, or a 1/4 cup of Antipasto ( ?Sp) . It's super low cal and tastes like a real treat. CostCo has it. I run around 200 cals for a solid snack and I try to keep crunchy apples in the car for the half hour drive home. A nice cup of hot tea with a couple Digestive…
I'm with you on the bacon. Bacon makes everything better.