

  • This is my second go around. The first time I got to week 3 and i suffered from a pulled muscle in the front of my shin so I forced myself to stop so that I did not add to the problem. Its been a month and I'm back on the band wagon....and I am so sore and feel like it is my first time all over again. My weakness in the…
  • Please add me I could use motivated friends on here.
  • I would love to join in. My fit test is later today! I started it in April and had to quit due to leg injury. It sucked but I am now back and ready to get back in the game!!!!! Bring it on Shaun T!!!!!
  • i am 5'10 and my goal weight is 150. I was at 135 and looked great...but after a baby I don't see 135 again. so here I come 150!!! I am a small build though so maybe I can lose more...we shall see...i def. don't want to look sick...just great in a bikini and for my husband of almost 1 year!