

  • Bloody hell... In Australia we are in the middle of a drought, its actually against the law to wash your car with a hose or water your garden everyday in some places... and we're advised to only have 3 minute showers, one town I lived in asked people to only shower every second day it got that bad!.. and some people in…
  • My brother is lactose intolerant and my boyfriend suggested he ask for an egg to be drizzled over the pizza to help it all stick together! In Australia we have a 'Aussie' pizza with egg on it.. so not sure if other countries pizza shops would have eggs on hand..?
  • Like alot of people have said.. PIZZA! No matter what size pizza I get, I can always eat all of it within a few hours (please note, I'm in Australia, our pizzas are not nearly as big as American ones!) I've thought about just getting a smaller size pizza, but the pizza shop here only makes one size, so maybe I'll order…