

  • thanks! makes more sense now, I think most of what I do would be circuit training, just did jillians 30 day shred and its all circuits, I appreciate the help :)
  • Hi Lisa :) My name is Jacqui and I am the mother of two children. Mine are a bit older but I'm still hanging onto some of that weight. I also want to let it go once and for all, Good luck to you!
  • Hi there, I also am trying to teach my children healthy eating habits, I try to keep it balanced. So an example of this would be turkey and cheese on whole grain bread w/ cut up strawberries and a chocolate chip granola bar with milk. I also will pack them warm options in their thermos like chicken soup w/ crackers, cut up…
  • Thanks for the advice, I do wear a pedometer and aim for atleast 10,000 steps and I have calculated my BMR with my activity level and I have been keeping track of everything I eat. I think I may have just shocked my body by going from sitting around all day (I am a full time online student) and eating whatever I wanted to…