57beth Member


  • I make a few muffins that are Paleo acceptable. You have to bake though. I say this because no one seems to put much effort into their sweet treats. They are also good for breakfast. Coconut Chocolate Chip is one. Let me know if their is interest - I will post it. I have more - may be available thru the site, too.
  • Thanks - I'm 2 weeks new to Paleo and this sounds tasty and easy enough. I realize I have to cook ahead to have the variety I need. I am not all the way free of grains, dairy and legumes (still have some leftover peanuts). I did notice from the sights nutrition tracking that I maintain a more even amount of intake of…
  • Cheat a little - just one day - and think about how it made you feel. That food 'high' wont be as good as you once thought it was. You've come too far. You have had a taste of what it is like too feel and look so good. Go try on clothes and remember how that felt then and how it feels now. Good luck