

  • NSVs are the *best*, aren't they! I tell people who are worried about the scale that I'm two sizes smaller at 160 than I was at 135. It shuts them up (when they say I'm too heavy for my height, because I'm not). Congrats, congrats, congrats! 27 is *wee*!
  • It's also MY birthday. Happy birthday to us Geminis! I want to drop about 15 by then, so count me in. :)
  • I teach, too, so I totally get the feeling that an hour is just too much to carve out. However, I don't even think about going. I don't give myself the chance to talk myself out of it. I have my gym bag packed the night before (and even in my car, if I remember), I leave work as soon as I can, head to the gym, then head…
  • Doctors! When my appendix ruptured (I was 19 years old, maybe 225 or 230), the doctor pushed on my stomach to see if he could detect any inflammation. "Too fat," he said. "You're too fat for me to diagnose." When the appendix finally RUPTURED, all he said was, "Well, we'll have to cut through a lot of fat to get to it.…
  • I try to do lunchtime workouts 2 or 3 days a week so I'm not at the gym until 7:30 p.m. every day, but it's tough. I sweat a LOT, and my workouts are usually intense (HIIT, spin, BodyPump). I have a gym bag that I keep packed: towel, baggie with travel body wash and loofa, flip flops, and deodorant. I shower at the gym.…
  • Ooops. Just saw this one. You, my friend, are a Pop Tart PRO.
  • Unless you're making ice cream sandwiches out of them, you're all amateurs. ;)
  • ^Yes. I will eat them until the roof of my mouth blisters from the citric acid. Also: Donuts (even the ones at gas stations in the glass cases), most any shortening-based cookie, buttery crackers and a block of cheese.
  • ^^This. I usually use 50+ on my back for squats, 25+ for bicep curls. I work to failure. I experience DOMS. When I was powerlifting and following a pyramid set/rep plan, my body changed much slower than it has with BodyPump. Just make sure you do lift as heavy as you are confident with (not going so heavy that your form is…