

  • I have been on Ami for around a year, gained weight and have now been dieting and exercising like a loon and nothing is coming off. The Ami was prescribed for better sleep patterns and to aid my back which is essentially a bit knackered!! I asked my rheumatologist about whether or not it could be the Amitryptaline that is…
  • Thought I would revisit myfitnesspal and for the past 3 weeks I have been eating my calories, exercising, eating more healthy if not rabbit food options and have lost......absolutely bugger all. My metabolism must be completely shot. Feeling very despondent today and have lost my enthusiasm.
  • I went to Slimming World for 2 years 3 years back and ate whole eggs all the time and lost 3 stone......I am not saying thats all I ate (!) as I was eating a very balanced diet. Eggs are a free food on SW and after researching them, they are a natural source of all sorts of goodies so I would give a thumbs up, eat them…
  • Wow. It took me ages to write that. I would have hoped someone would have said something.....:(