I'm hungry at night, too, because that was also when I used to binge - I'm trying to change 35 years of eating habits & it ain't easy. I remind myself that I'm not starving & I don't NEED these calories.
Hey! I'm a single mom to 5 - just added you :)
2 cups cold water then black tea. Sometimes I'll have a shake if I feel hungry.
I think because I was always on the bigger side (not obese or overweight, just a hefty farm girl) I felt I had to be what everyone called me - fat, chunky, flabby. Looking back on my photos, I was 168lbs & wasn't any of those things, but being in an environment where all the girls 'had' to be a certain way, & being made…
Ooo I'm also interested in the recipe! It looks really awesome & for 350 freaking calories? O.M.G. I'm totally sneaking this on the kids when I make pizza at home next time LOL
Hello! I've had 5 in 7 years - my youngest is just 7 months old. Add me too as I have over 100lbs to lose
My baby is 7 months old & I am still breastfeeding. I've had 5 babies in 7 years - my body is a mess!