

  • Wow you got so much going on! I am 65 and weighed 299 a little over 1 year ago. Weight @ 251 now & kind of flat losing right now. I'm a type 2 diabetic so things are slow. Trying to lose another 70 lbs. My wife is a life time member of Weight Watchers, proud of her achievement. Add me as a friend if you like. Sure feel for…
  • I was diagnosed a type 2 in 2002. I exercised and diet and it went away till 2009. I went back to my old ways and it came back stronger. My work is using a computor all day, no exercise I am now taking meds but am decreasing them as I lose weight. About 50 lbs so far and another 70 lbs to go. You are doing the right thing,…
  • Hi I need to lose about another 70 lbs too. Lost 50 lbs this past year, so I am hoping for about 40 this year. I'm older with type 2 diabetes so need to go slow. Would like to follow your adventure add me as a friend if you like.
  • Live in upstate NY (Finger Lake area), org from Ohio (Dayton/Cin area) have lived in KY, IND, PA & FL.