vickster2323 Member


  • Stated same time as you and probably know as much as you. I would honored to share this experience with you. My starting goal is 25 lbs, but really have ti lose avout 50-55.
  • I'm brand new to this so I think I'll be needing help.. I have a problem, besides food. and that is excersising.. I have shortness of breath but will give all I have. It's hard foe me to go out of the house to a place im not familiark with. {Slightly Agorophobic}. I wouldnt know an excersise from an apple. My childhood…
  • I just started my self about a week ago. Good Luck and let's follow each other. I think it would be fun.
  • I'm new to all this and I'm sure I'll make some mistakes. Thus program is for weight loss buddies, correct?