

  • I also have PCOS. Its more than just watching calories and exercise but more of what you eat. A lot of people (not all) who have PCOS also are insulin resistance. Try reducing carbs (which break down into sugar) and sugars and eating more vegetables and fruits. It will be easier for your body to handle. Also the more…
    in PCOS Comment by aclarkson August 2014
  • It seems like a lot of people are doing couch to 5k! Maybe I will try it. I used to love to run (when I was in really good shape).. I just get frustrated trying to get back there. When I played sports and was forced to sprint it came easy. I do love to lift weights and stuff like that. I feel like it comes easier because…
  • A calorie deficiency didn't work for me either! I have been eating basically only fruit, veggies and meat partially because that's the only thing I can keep in my system since starting metformin (sorry TMI) but its like a forced diet so I am looking at it as a positive thing! For breakfast I do actually have an english…
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