

  • I have been using these dvd's for a week straight, (had them a month though before starting them) WOW! I really see a difference with how much tighter my abs are, this was without watching what I eat For some reason though this past week I have been eating too much, the wrong food and ended up gaining 12 lbs!!! So now, I…
  • I agree, it's funny how once you start any thing is an improvement on doing nothing. You do start to feel better, even just 1 week and I am so much more motivated that I can't see not getting results! Different from putting off exercising or over eating just doing my workout today, made me feel so much better, I could have…
  • First day with my exercise and diet routine, hoping to lose some inches and firm up my Vacation in Portugal, leaving July 26th I started later than I planned, now only 20 days before we leave, I am mad at myself, but better late never never right?
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