crazyman12345 Member


  • yep, Even simply breathing contributes to illnesses and poor health these days because of the large amounts of chemicals, car emissions and what-have-you in the air. Drinking tapwater also negatively impacts ones health because of prenancy-prevention pills expelled in the err... which are said to have hormone disrupting…
  • Haha I understand that I may come off as a crazy maverick (like that weird guy who lives in the derelict castle on the edge of the old village who everyone says has lost it) - however I believe my statements to be factual. From another person's shoes I would probably think myself a but crazy also. lulz
  • Now that you mention it, I'm also considering purchasing a glass keyboard and mouse (which are in development). One may also consider that plastic exposure has a net effect i.e. the more you are exposed to the worse it gets, like cyanide in apple seeds (eat one or two and your fine, eat a handful and you're in trouble).…