LSUrunningmom Member


  • Is it possible that you aren't drinking enough water? That will happen to me if I am dehydrated. I will feel fine after my workout but the next morning my head feels like it is caving in. Once I get enough water in my system it goes away.
  • Hooray! I just did my first race in the rain this past Sunday and I hate running in the rain. You should be fine with the My suggestion would be to wear something light that won't weigh you down while you are running if it does rain. There should be water stations along the way so you shouldn't need to bring water. The…
  • My husband and I are HUGE college and NFL football fans for different teams. My team lost a big game and all hell broke loose. Now we have a plan to "support" each others teams unless we are playing each other. Then it is on :)
  • I haven't seen one yet.