JCE0129 Member


  • @Ryann1 Thanks for the links and the info, Kelly! I will give everything a good read. It may sound goofy, but I feel like this is how my body was meant to workout. I have always hated intense cardio and have a joke with friends that they'll only get me to run if something is chasing me. For once, I enjoy the gym. I just…
  • Intense exercise over the last 2 weeks has me up 5 lbs as well. While I have played this game long enough to know muscles retain water as they are torn down and then repair themselves stronger than they were before, it does not keep me from feeling horrible when I see it on the scale.
  • I am 5'3". I fluctuate between 135 and 140 lbs. I am at 32% BF, so I feel like I have a long way to go. I would like to be 115-120. Over the past 5 or 6 years I went from 150, down to 110, and now back up again. I am currently super frustrated. I feel like nothing I try is working. I workout hard and try lighter workouts.…
  • Thanks guys. I never looked at it before. TDEE calculator shows mine at 1978, with a minimum of 1500 daily intake. That's based on 3 to 5 workouts a week and I have been averaging 5, sometimes more if I can squeeze in a HIIT or Tabata class at the corporate fitness center during lunch. Maybe this is why I don't feel as…
  • The way I understood it, good fat or bad fat...it doesn't matter.....so, if she was telling me to stick to 20g of fat a day and I ate avocado that took up 10g, the fact that it was "good fat" was irrelevant. Fat is fat....meaning a snickers bar or an avocado...all the same. I am trying to break away from that way of…
  • Interesting. My fat comes primarily from things like almond butter, avocado, etc. and I know people say that is "good fat". My former trainer told me "fat is fat", so I've tried to stay low but it is hard to do and still get my protein in.
  • Good question. I was recently told that was too low, but it worked well in the past. I'm curious as to other's thoughts.
  • "For my clients I have them count alcohol as carbs or fat, their choice -- but if their alcohol consumption becomes large enough that either of those nutrients become an issue, or it starts effecting other areas of their life negatively, then I bring that up as professionally as possible." Well, I am working on my 2nd…
  • Thanks for the input, and the thought has occurred to me. That's why I have researched it. It all depends on what you are drinking. I like big, bold, dry reds. Typically, this type of wine has less than 7g of sugar in a 8oz glass. These articles help explain the science behind why and how wine contains such little sugar:…
  • I did skip logging over the weekend and that is not unusual for me. During the weekends I tend to eat less, believe it or not, due to running around with the kids and getting most of my study hours in. My husband and I rarely eat out, so weekend meals usually consist of grilling at home....and I do not eat red meat or…
  • Do what works for you. Chicken and turkey breast are low fat, if that's what you're into. But like I said, there's no reason to stick to 24 grams of fat, if you want more and your doctor hasn't told you to lower your fat intake. Just my 2 cents. YMMV. [/quote] Thanks! I appreciate any suggestions people have. Lately, I…
  • Thanks. :) Unfortunately, a lactose allergy makes a lot of things like yogurt impossible for me. I have tried hard boiled eggs, lactose free cheese, nuts, and I have had some luck finding a vegan/dairy free protein powder (although it's super expensive). Things like eggs & nuts are high in fat, so that adds to the fat…
  • Can you suggest a high protein but low fat, low calorie snack? I have a really hard time hitting my protein goals while staying under my 1200 calories and 24 grams of fat.
  • This is a HUGE problem for me right now. I know it comes from 2 separate issues. !) I'm not sleeping well. I'm in grad school and I just took a big promotion. I am super stressed out and I wake several times during the night. Often I walk downstairs to get a (not so healthy) snack around 2am. 2) I don't eat enough during…
  • I had my gallbladder removed several years ago. I have chronic constipation, a lactose allergy, a gluten intolerance (not an allergy, my body just doesn't digest it well), and numerous other food sensitivities. I have seen GI doctors, had an upper endoscopy and colonoscopy, had several allergy tests and breath tests, had…
  • If you're exercising more, you can be adding water weight as your muscles will temporarily retain water while they recover from exercise. This is incredibly true for me. Each time I have tried to get back into a regular routine of cardio & lifting, after taking a period of time off, I gain weight before I lose it. It can…
  • I agree about machines at the gym. My doctor told me that those machines are designed with men in mind and are very inaccurate for women. About 2 years ago I was working with a trainer at my gym who told me the cardio portion of my workout should be burning at least 500 calories! It was my doctor who told me I'd be there…