

  • [/quote] Actually, it's the opposite. If your goal is to eat 1200 calories per day and you ate 1323, MFP shows -123 in red. That means you went over your net calorie goal for the day by 123 calories. [/quote] I dont get how thats the case, i have worked out today 673 cals, and ate 233 so far my net is -423 or something…
  • this post has been amazing!!! so first of all i want to say thanks for all the posts! i had Sweet Potato 300g which was 270 cal's Tesco light cottage cheese chive and onion 100g 75 cal's and Italian style salad 100g 18 cals, oh and a diet coke! and am full!!!
  • Thanks for all the Replies!! ill let you all no what i chose and Cal count! mike
  • Is pasta bad for me tho? i always here mixed thoughts on this?