

  • At times I have spent money trying to find that "perfect" weight loss plan. I guess I have finally grown up and realized I'm the only one that can lose the weight. So yes, I am eating out less, not buying expensive mocha drink every day. Right now I would say the only money I have spent this weight loss round is on good…
  • That, I will be checking for a thread like this more often! Thanks for a great way to end my birthday! I needed the giggles that came from reading this thread!
  • I have 4, and will be getting more!
  • Post your weekly weights, your successes and struggles, and give support to the person above you! SW: 248.6 CW: 245.4 GW: 240 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (6/01 Sun): 6/07 Sat: 6/14 Sat: 6/21 Sat: 6/28 Sat: End of Month (6/30 Mon): Total weight lost: For Fun: time spent with family, swimming, and the lake!
  • I fully understand the starting over part. I myself have had bariatric surgery, and did great for about the first year. I never did hit my goal weight. As you have probably already figured out I have gained almost half of what I lost. this is a restart for me, and I have finally realized I can lose the weight, I just need…
  • Please feel free to add me to your friends list as well, I'm the type of person that defiantly needs the motivation! Summer school is start for me this week and I have to make the time for school, exercise, and family! All motivation helpful!