

  • Hi - You've gone great on your weight loss - but it sounds like you have some vitamin deficiencies. My hair did the same thing about 8 years ago when I followed the Atkins diet (sure I lost weight - but my hair got so thin, a lady at the dept store beauty counter thought I was having chemo!)! I went to see an…
  • Hi - you absolutely can do this! Find the thread's about nutrition and losing weight - 80% of your results will come from getting the food right! For now - just walk for short periods - even 5 minutes is better than none! I know it seems like a hassle to but sneakers etc on just for 5 minutes - but you'll soon build up to…
  • Thanks all - I'm kinda bummed that I didn't get to start yesterday, but really want to, so lookslike I'll be doing it tonight - does it matter that I start on a Tuesday?
  • Am about to start Insanity for the first time tonight (so it will be the fit test), my husband had completed the program before, so he'll be guiding me...but I haven't worked out in over a year and have at least 50 pounds to abit nervous...any advice?
  • Thank you for posting - I was recently that person crying on the I'mnow doing something about it and have been on track 3 weeks now and lost 5 lbs so far...not spectacular - but a start!