

  • Well said!! I can only agree with that, it has proven beneficial for me also :)
  • I agree, protein is great and more is better. This is a "guide" based on calorie intake and the weight you want to lose. It is one of the very important nutrients needed to gain muscle. Muscle burns fat :)
  • You will love this app! I joined shortly after new year and it has been my "personal trainer" It motivates me in every way! It is so awesome to know that there are so many people taking action to become healthier and live heathier! I am pleased to be a part in every way. Make sure you tell friends or family cuz no matter…
  • You are SO CORRECT!! That is the attitude we all need to have! People really are RUDE!
  • ABSOLUTLY do NOT let people's lack of intelligence affect YOU! Some people are truly RUDE and it is really ashame. Be PROUD of yourself for running! When we get the energy, time and motivation to put ourselves forward to exercise, we need to realize that we are doing it for ourselves and what others SAY will NOT affect us!…
  • Now that I have been watching what I eat and eating healthy I do not have the urge to snack. Which has been awesome for me! Healthier we eat the less we will crave snacks.