Pasukaru2 Member


  • - Drivers that rush in front of your car and then drive at half of the speed limit :explode: - People that think that because they're sick (or older than you) means they can treat you like *beep* :angry: - People that think that because you work in an hospital, you have no need in a day to : Go to the bathroom, Eat, Drink…
  • Feel free to add me, I'm looking for new friends too :) And don't worry, so far i've been loggin in at least once everyday ^_^ And slowly getting used to all the functions XD Oh and before I forget, anyone else is more than welcome to add me too :)
  • Water ( original isn't it? XD )
  • Well so far I've lost 15 pounds and even if I don't see any difference in the mirror, I do FEEL the difference in my clothes. They're way loose than they used to be. I also did take a picture when I started to workout and I'm going to take a picture every 30 days (It's part of the workout program i'm doing) so maybe it'll…
  • I work in the medical field and I've NEVER heard of that disease yet. Your Doctor must have been reeeeaaaally surprised when (s)he first saw your X-rays XD I never put the heat on in my bedroom. Even during the winter, I even open the windows sometimes when it's too hot,. I simply can't sleep if it's too hot for me. My…
  • Or it's a pretty good timing for a coincidence ^_^ Thank you very much! My liver sould better be thanking me in a few months! With all the effort I'm doing for him! XD Yay I'm not alone! Let's start a club shall we? Fatty livers club XD Altough that wouldn't be a so good idea since we'd constantly lose members ;) Thank you…