Asimi7 Member


  • So for you it started when you had the Glandular Fever? That's interesting. Sounds like that may have thrown off your chemistry somehow. Maybe a Naturopath could help? Long story, but I've had some residual problems since the lung will always be in my body, and I need to keep it dormant. Naturopaths treat…
  • Interesting post. I have always gotten sick very easily, every month I have had some illness, my whole life! I would miss so much school as a kid! I also have suffered with frequent migraines...5-10 a month, and before I had a medication that worked for me, I had a migraine non stop for years! Well, here is the weird…
  • It's called awareness! It's really hard to make changes without tracking calories, food, exercise, and then being accountable for it. So while in some ways, I can agree...if you are needing to track, you have probably went wrong somewhere along the way. Tracking is healthy...admitting there is an issue, and figuring out…
  • June 1 ~ 2 miles June 2 ~ 0 June 3 ~ 3 miles June 4 ~ 3 Miles 42 Miles to go!
  • This is my first time doing a challenge, I will set the goal at 50 :)
  • Hello, I'm Angela. I have 5 kids on earth, 2 angels in Heaven. March 2012, we were so happy to get our BFP for baby #6, at 14 weeks I had an ultrasound, baby was doing great, and we told the world, just two weeks later, 16 weeks at a regular Dr. Appt there was no heartbeat, the baby died. I was induced, that went really…
  • Hello, my name is Angela, Mother of 5 on earth, and 2 angel babies. I started homeschooling my 4 school aged kids just this year. I have always been open to the idea of homeschooling, but my kids had always done well in PS. Well at the end of August we moved to another state and were staying in a hotel while looking for a…
    in Welcome!! Comment by Asimi7 January 2013
  • We live in North Carolina. We are Southern California Natives, moved to NC in 2007, then in 2009 moved to Arizona, and back to NC in October 2012... To stay! This feels like home :)