

  • Well done!!!You look very happy-and so you should-you can be very proud of yourself!Thank you for sharing your success!!Very inspiring!!Tell me,what was the single most important thing in your opinion that got you to this point?Thanks!
  • WOW!!!Well done! You must be so proud,looking ay those pictures!!!And so you should be--keep up the good work,you are doing great!!
  • and so you can-and I do too-it is not going to kill you,you are right-it just adds up and I was simply pointing out that that is where the weight gain might have came from since she probably just stored some extra fluids --thats all--:wink:
  • Diet soda is loaded with salt-after all it still needs to have flavour!!You are doing great-you watch what you eat,work do yourself a big favour and put that scale somewhere were you can't always step on it-because otherwise you will start playing the number game--you are really "good" one week and nothing…
  • Hi there, Just found out about this website through my GP on Friday-so for me only day number 2-but I love how everything is tracked for you and I am very much looking forward to getting the healthy life style back. I lost 83 lbs 5 years ago with weight watchers and counting the points was an obsession-needless to say 1…