

  • Hello Donna! I am 61 and I joined yesterday!!! Lets be friends and share this journey.::bigsmile:
  • Sounds good! Do you break up the florets, toss with EVOO, then bake? At what oven temp? For how long?
  • I too have a child in college who has recently returned after being home for the holidays. She is a senior at University of Florida. Go Gators! Being an empty nester now for 3+ years has made things easier but I have not adjusted really. I miss having my child in the house. The house is quiet...boring now...just my husband…
  • Hi Diana. I too am over 50 and need to lose 50+ lbs! I joined myfitnesspal yesteday and found this group a few minutes ago. Cannnot help but be excited!! I started a self-made diet today! far so good. It's 7:15 PM and I did not cheat:) I even walked the dog and walked around the mall for about an hour today…