

  • Feeling like the fattest person in the room Feeling like 'the ugly one' simply because of my weight Not sleeping well because of body pains and aches Looking in the mirror and thinking 'fat' before anything else Being/feeling ignored Feeling inferior Being generally uncomfortable in my skin Having my social anxiety…
  • On your workouts, you might try experimenting with shorter bursts of high intensity and an overall shorter workout. If you are just doing cardio on a daily basis consider mixing it up with some strength training (bodyweight or weights) to put on some healthy muscle. Your muscles will demand more nutrition and also burn…
  • THIS!! I have been through a change for the better and realized the person I was with was what I settled for because I thought I could not do any better at the time and they were someone I would not have looked at twice if I was feeling good about myself. I found later that they actually had interest in keeping me 'down'…
  • Whenever i've been faced with the question to break up or not, I make two lists: pros and cons of being with that person. If the cons list is longer, then to me that made the choice clearer, and I agree with what many have said so far... that the pain he has caused by his words will stay with you. If he is that bothered by…